
Monthly Archives: April 2012

I am soon to be completely immersed in the world of online furniture retail. Only a week in and can feel it happening already. With that in mind I have been reading about how email is still the most effective marketing communication method to drive brand purchases. It is out-gunning social-media with sale conversions, but ironically consumer’s don’t even realise!

Consumers perceive social-media as being more effective, for example with almost a third of survey respondents siting Twitter as most influential, specifically when reading a tweet from a company.

A clear example of how consumer perception is not always an accurate reflection of the truth. They don’t even realise they are buying, a form of mind-control email device if you will.

So apparently Cadbury choose Google+ as it’s platform to launch Dairy Milk Bubbly.
An interesting decision and one I would love to know the real reasons behind. I am yet to hear any good things about Google+…from anyone…friends or generic internet population.

Conversely I have just read about how Pinterest is giving Google+ a jolly ol’kick in the googlies!
It is reported that interest in + has diminished with the rise of the pin board. I suppose it is yet another contender in the fierce social-media arena which highlights google+’s lack of original positioning.

I have recently been granted a Pinterest account (as you have to request one and join a waiting list!), but am yet to engage or even investigate frankly. Maybe I should do that now!

Or maybe screw that…I’m going back in time…to a Myspace time…a simpler time!

Via The Drum.